
Epigrafi Latine

See the Epigrafi Latine webpage

Digital Collection of the data gathered as part of the project "Epigrafi Latine a Bologna". The web application has been developed with CLEF and manages data-entry and data visualization.

My contributions:

  • Data modelling and creation of the templates for the data entry in Linked Open Data.
  • Building the interactive map with Leaflet.js to show the resources on place, with filter functionalities. The items are located through geocoding.
  • Front-End managemnt of the login and users registration, and customization of users' roles.

Web Application Interactive Map Data Modelling Semantic Web Geocoding

Historical Cartographies

Presentation for the thesis dissertation for the final exam of the M.A. in Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge.


  • Data model for the management of spatial, platial and temporal information related to historical cartographies
  • Georeferencing raster images on a digital-born map
  • Design of an interactive map that manages spatial, semantic and temporal information, as well as statistical analysis
  • Data integration with third-party datasets.

Georeferencing Interactive Map Data Modelling GIS technologies Web Application SPARQL


Projects developed during the courses of the M.A. "Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge, University of Bologna.

OM&TA (Ontology of Materials and Techniques in Art)

See the OM&TA website for the ontology documentation

OM&TA is the ontology of materials and techniques in art. It tries to formalize and represent the relationships between the external formal data about an artwork and its components as define by art criticism, with a particular focus on the relationship between the materials used and the techniques performed on them in order to obtain the final results.

Take a look at the Github Repository of the project.

SPARQL RDF Omtology Design Knowledge Graph Knowledge Extraction

Cultural Sites in Italy

See the website for the insights of the project.

This project aims at comparing the sites in Italy which hosted cultural events with the institutes that host or are themselves cultural properties exploring the cultural data published by the Italian Ministry of Culture on and described through the ontology ArCo ontology.

Take a look at the Github repository.
Information Visualization Data Management Data analysis Geocoding

Entreprecariat - An unpretentious NLP test

See the Gitbook.

This project aims at analysing with authomatic tools this new reality of entreprecariat, trying to inspect the semantic area to which this word, that is a neologism, belongs to and which are the main concepts related to it. A topic analysis will help to have an overview of the themes handled by a corpus of selected books that covers the same thematics, while a network analysis pointed out the relations between involved actores.

Take a look at the Github repository for the code.
NLP Python MALLET Named-Entities Recognition Network Analysis

Project developed in collaboration with Giusy Grieco

Cool Down!

See the Cool Down! webpage

Cool Down! has been thought as an online magazine focused on environmental problems. The purpose of this web site is to explore various types of typographic and layout style for text documents through the use of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Github Repository of the project

Magazine Website HTML-CSS-Javascript Web Technologies